2022-09-08 13:44:01

Situación pre y post-incendio, de un ecosistema del tipo forestal Roble-Hualo, Región del Maule, Chile

Jorge Alejandro Rosales-Rodríguez, Edwin Antonio Esquivel-Segura, Manuel Alejandro Acevedo-Tapia, Marta González-Ortega, Eduardo Cartes-Rodríguez Kurú 16(38): 55-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.18845/rfmk.v16i38.3997    RESUMEN Los incendios forestales son una de las mayores causas de degradación de ecosistemas en Chile. La temporada de incendios forestales 2016-2017 destacó por la superficie afectada, ...

2020-07-27 23:48:25

Efecto de la concentración de fósforo y calcio sobre atributos morfo-fisiológicos y potencial de crecimiento radical en plantas de Aextoxicon punctatum producidas a raíz cubierta en la etapa de endurecimiento

Marta González, Darcy Rios, Karen Peña-Rojas, Edison García, Manuel Acevedo, Eduardo Cartes, Manuel Sanchez-Olate.  DOI:10.4067/S0717-92002020000200137   RESUMEN. El éxito de programas de restauración por medio del establecimiento de una cubierta vegetal en áreas que han sido alteradas, se relaciona directamente con atributos morfo-fisiológicos de las plantas que se establecen en condiciones de campo. Estos ...

2020-07-24 12:31:41

Shrub influences on seedling performance when restoring the slow-growing conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum in southern bog forests

Jan Bannister, Germán Travieso, Nicole Galindo, Manuel Acevedo, Klaus Puettmann, Christian Salas-Eljatib. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13090  ABSTRACT. Forest restoration is most efficient if it can take advantage of facilitative interactions between established vegetation and planted trees. However, positive and negative interactions have been identified in a number of plant communities. After ...

2020-07-23 21:39:23

Intraspecific Variation in Drought Response of Three Populations of Cryptocarya alba and Persea lingue, Two Native Species From Mediterranean Central Chile

Carolina Álvarez-Maldini, Manuel Acevedo, R. Kasten Dumroese, Marta González and Eduardo Cartes.  https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.01042 ABSTRACT. An increase in the severity of drought events on Mediterranean climates highlights the need of using plant material adapted to drought during restoration efforts. Thus, we investigated between-population morpho-physiological differences in Cryptocarya ...

2019-10-22 11:30:23

Field Establishment Techniques for Guindo Santo, an Endemic Species from Central Chile

Carolina Álvarez, Manuel Acevedo, Marta González, R. Kasten Dumroese, Eduardo Cartes, Iván Quiroz Tree Planters' Notes 62 (1-2):35-43 (2019) ABSTRACT. First-year outplanting performance was measured in guindo santo (Eucryphia glutinosa(Poepp. & Endl.) Baill.), a Chilean endemic tree species in the Mediterranean climate zone, which is catalogued as a near-threatened species. The effects on ...
